Website Launch:

Insercorp has launched a new website for the consulting firm of retired US Air Force Colonel David T. Peters and associates.

Hampton Roads, Virginia - Insercorp LTD, a Virginia website and digital marketing company, announced the launch of a new website for dtp Consulting.

dtp Consulting offers Consulting, Mentoring, and Technical Writing to government, business, and health care facilities with a key strength in Facility Support Management Services. dtp needed a dynamic website to showcase the vast wealth of experience and variety of services they offer to clients.

The new website is informative in addition to facilitating information requests and communication with the dtp team. The mobile responsive website, designed and developed by Insercorp, adapts to any device from smartphones and tablets to desktop and laptop computers. The website provides visitors with information about the group’s services, focus areas, and its team of diverse associates.

Insercorp integrated the new custom responsive website design into its proprietary Web Content Management System (CMS), iPlasmaCMS2, a user-friendly, browser-based app which intuitively allows Website Administrators to easily add and manage their website content.

The website is secured with encryption utilizing the best practices to prevent known attack methods, mitigating the risk of critical security vulnerabilities. Insercorp provides managed hosting, maintenance, and support services for dtp Consulting to keep their website online and protected at all times.

For more information about dtp-Consulting visit their new website at


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