The Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (HRPDC), is one of 21 Planning District Commissions in the Commonwealth of Virginia, it is a regional organization representing the area's sixteen local governments.
Insercorp has been contracted to design and develop a new website for the HRPDC.
The new website will be built on the Zend Framework and Insercorp will develop it utilizing its proprietary iPlasmaCMS2 content management system (CMS).
Features of the new website will include a news, slideshow, events calendar and departments module.
The HRPDC serves as a resource of technical expertise to its member local governments. It provides assistance on local and regional issues pertaining to Economics, Physical and Environmental Planning, Emergency Management, and Transportation. The HRPDC staff also serves as the support staff for the Hampton Roads Metropolitan Planning Organization, which is responsible for transportation planning and decision-making in the region. As a Virginia Planning District, the HRPDC is also the Affiliate Data Center for our region, providing economic, environmental, transportation, census, and other relevant information to businesses, organizations and citizens.
Insercorp’s goal is to deliver a website to The HRPDC that will greatly help it in continuing to provide assistance on local and regional issues, support the Hampton Roads Metropolitan Planning Organization and to provide relevant information to businesses, organizations and citizens.
To visit Insercorp's Client Profile for HRPDC please click here.
To view the Project Details for HRPDC please click here.