The Insercorp Development Team recently deployed design and usability improvements for, the official website for the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce (HRCC), Virginia’s largest Chamber of Commerce. The website layout updates improve the design and functionality of the global website header as well as an improved drop-down navigation system which allows users to access any page on the website in one click.
The previous website layout can be seen at the top of the screenshot (pictured above). Insercorp collaborated with HRCC to develop a more user-friendly and accessible navigation system to improve the user experience for current and prospective Chamber members as well as community stakeholders.
The global header was updated to incorporate the Chamber’s new logo design in addition to streamlining the dual navigation system and optimize the functionality and aesthetics of the website’s header and homepage slideshow.
(Hover over the image below to view the Drop-Down Navigation Menu)
The new Header and Drop-down Navigation Menu (pictured above) drop down to display a list of pages and corresponding links that help users to find anything they may need easily and efficently.
It’s easy to see why the website layout updates improve the design and functionality of the global website header and improve the drop-down navigation system, allowing users to access any page on the website in one click. To see the design improvements for yourself, visit